Practice Areas

Automatic Stay

Filing for bankruptcy protection provides people with the immediate protection they need via the automatic stay while also giving people the fresh start they need financially in the long run.

West Virginia Automatic Stay Attorney

Overwhelming debt is typically accompanied by incessant collection activities. Your phone may be constantly ringing with calls from debt collectors. Your mailbox might have threatening letters in it every day with warnings, such as “Final notice” or “Disconnection notice,” printed in bold on the outside of the envelopes. And such tactics may only be the beginning. Debt collectors can also garnish wages, repossess property and place liens on property. The level of pressure that debt collectors can create is unreal.

There is one tool that can help you put an immediate end to all collection activities and that is the automatic stay. When a person files for bankruptcy protection, the automatic stay prevents debt collectors from continuing to pursue collection activities such as:

  • Contacting you by telephone, mail or any other manner
  • Repossession
  • Wage garnishment
  • Liens
  • Foreclosure
  • Pursuing claims in court

Free Case Consultation

Guiding You to Calmer Waters

At Broadwater Law Group, we know the pressure that debt collectors can put on people. We also know the most effective means for putting a stop to the nightmare of creditor harassment that some people have to live under — the automatic stay. Filing for bankruptcy protection provides people with the immediate protection they need via the automatic stay while also giving people the fresh start they need financially in the long run. Both Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy offer the benefit of the automatic stay.

Let us put our experience to work helping you fight against your overwhelming debt.

More on debt-related issues

Practice Areas

Our firm offers its superior representation to those in need of legal representation for debt-related issues such as:

Contact the Charleston Chapter 7 Lawyers of Broadwater Law Group

When you realize that you cannot live with the pressure of overwhelming debt any longer, turn to the highly skilled and experienced West Virginia automatic stay lawyers of Broadwater Law Group. To schedule a free initial consultation, simply contact us online.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

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